
My Online Home

Follow My Randomness.
Don My Fashion.
Be My Friend.

tl;dr mode    'story' mode

T-Shirts & Hoodies on DONMY.FASHION

Love-filled and a tad mischievous. Crafted using 100% of my soul, as much creativity as I’ve been fortunate to discover within myself, lots of help and support from the incredible people who I'm glad came into my life, and, of course, a hint of bravery (truth be told, I’m one of those public-shy types 😊).

Everything is still in its baby steps, which means that, as the saying goes, the only way is up. So here’s hoping that this tentative effort of mine will touch enough hearts and light enough smiles to encourage me to keep bringing you that joy for many, many years to come 🙏.


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'Follow My Randomness' Blog

Only a few decades ago, this could have been a battered notebook, bearing the scars of time's yellow touch, that someone would only stumble upon while sorting through the belongings of its owner, who had headed off to the land of eternal hunting. A typical yet unique, as we all are, mishmash of handwritten and drawn bits and pieces, braided together into some sort of tangle of a message. A message to the outside world, which the said outside world was unlikely destined to read (for better or worse) during the messenger's lifetime.

Today, this compilation of random bits of the inner me exists in a digital realm: pristine and effortlessly accessible with just a click or tap. No longer confined to the whims of physical discovery, it now reaches anyone, anywhere. And here we are; it appears it has reached you, my dear reader. And I'm glad it has.

Hence, a warm welcome to my blog, a place where I gather the stuff I would write down in my private diary for my own reference. My grab-bag of everything and anything that catches my eye, my open journal. Not a look-at-me-and-my-important-opinion-on-grand-themes-or-serious-agendas place but rather a cosy everything-and-nothing-convo-over-a-coffee space where I share what captures my attention, without any filters or fuss. There’s no rhyme or reason, just a kaleidoscope of news, stories, thoughts, reflections, experiences, noteworthy info, lifehacks, reviews and whatnot. I'm also the kind of person who's always in bookmark-this mode, so, if there’s one thing to know about this blog, it’s that you’ll constantly find me adding new handy apps, websites, must-visit places, and stuff to read or watch.

Those cats, you might wonder? Not wanting to venture into territory where I overshare and bore the socks off you with my life story, I can only ask you to consider them my very personal tribute to a very special period of my life. It didn’t evolve into something even better, but I remain deeply grateful for the chance to live through it and for the memories it has forever imprinted on my heart.

Enough of those sentiments, though! Pour yourself a cuppa or a glass of whatever you fancy wetting your lips with at this time of day, get comfy, and feel free to browse around. I’m glad you’re here, and I hope you find something that tickles your interest and makes you want to check back from time to time to see what’s new.


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My Instagram Profile

A point-and-snap-apply-or-not-apply-filter-discuss-comment-share extension of my blog.


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My TikTok Profile

If my inner creativity itch tells me I simply must stop right now, video all that beauty (beauty is subjective, right? 😏) around me, and immediately share it with whatever percentage of the world it reaches, this is where I first and foremost post it. Can you blame me? Please don’t 😇.

P.S. For some reason, TikTok seems to be very strict about using their logo. It looks like they don’t want you to use it in any context without their explicit permission, and I’m still waiting for a reply to the email I sent ages ago. Fair enough—regardless of my opinion, it’s their logo and their rules, so no logo will be used.

P.P.S. Or perhaps I’ve misunderstood their policy? If you know differently, please let me know by commenting on any of my TikTok videos or Instagram posts. I’m more than happy to stand corrected.


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My YouTube Channel

Who knows, one day this channel might become the world’s next MrBeast... 😬 Okay, okay, I realise that’s a stretch given the current quantity and quality of my videos, but don’t crush my dreams just yet! Honestly, I’m only sharing my YouTube channel because it exists, and as someone who’s extremely shy in public, I’m not sure what I can do at the moment to make it work and grow. More likely, it will just turn into a collection of random video footage to complement some of my blog posts, so don’t expect too much. That said, I wouldn’t mind picking up an extra subscriber or two... just saying 😇😊.


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